WELCOME to my blog and my photographic journey, where my photography style is dictated by my environment. I am a full time executive member of my household. That's right, I care, feed, instruct, inspire, maintain, a group of amazing individuals and the space they live in. These individuals are my children and husband, that place is my home. Most of the time I photograph where we are together, what we are doing together and most importantly their beautiful expressions. Sometimes I have the wonderful opportunity to photograph another family or event. I post my journey here.

My photographic philosophy:
I celebrate the unique differences in each person, event and place. I relish in capturing life as it happens naturally. I anticipate it! I love creating an emotional image, one that will be cherished. I seek for beauty in the simplest most unexpected places. I enjoy carrying my camera where I go, making an interpretation of that moment and archiving it for good. Creating a beautiful, stunning final print and giving lasting memories of people loved. These things put a smile on my face.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Enjoying a 17th Century Painting

I love to stop and enjoy Art, something that someone has created out of thin air.
When I was in college, we used to study historical, epic paintings and the ideas the artist may have had when making the particular painting. We would analyze it over and over. It was very much like analyzing a Shakespearian poem. What was Shakespeare feeling, thinking and doing when he wrote his poem?
It is a great way to exercise the right side of your brian.
I have been going though my art "stuff" and found this painting on a post card. I had randomly bought it  while working at the local art museum about 6 years ago. On the back of the this post card, I wrote a thought that analyzed what this boy might be feeling while blowing the bubble. I wanted to share my thought with you.
The painting is by Jean Simeon Chardin (1699-1799) The painting is called Soap Bubbles. He painted  it about 1733/1734. It is an oil on canvas. Here is the link to the information on it at the National Gallery of Art.

"Painted back in the 1700's! Wow! And the nagging, curious younger brother eager for his turn. What do you think the older brother was thinking as he watched the gliding and dodging swirls over the smooth circular pocket of air? Do you think for a moment he forgot where he was? Did he get lost into a translucent colorful day dream and what it might feel like floating along the surface? He knows the inevitable burst that must come, but, for a moment, he has forgotten all about that. 
I love moments like this, that takes me into my mind and blocks out everything else, as if the world, for me has stopped. Everything around me is silent. There is only me and my breath that keeps time." 

I thought this would be fun to post online. Has there been a piece of art that truly inspires you? What is it?

As a side note, I really did do well working for the museum, I wasn't in a zombie like daze while working. It must have been a little slow at the time. :) REALLY.

Thanks again for checking out my blog. Come again.


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