WELCOME to my blog and my photographic journey, where my photography style is dictated by my environment. I am a full time executive member of my household. That's right, I care, feed, instruct, inspire, maintain, a group of amazing individuals and the space they live in. These individuals are my children and husband, that place is my home. Most of the time I photograph where we are together, what we are doing together and most importantly their beautiful expressions. Sometimes I have the wonderful opportunity to photograph another family or event. I post my journey here.

My photographic philosophy:
I celebrate the unique differences in each person, event and place. I relish in capturing life as it happens naturally. I anticipate it! I love creating an emotional image, one that will be cherished. I seek for beauty in the simplest most unexpected places. I enjoy carrying my camera where I go, making an interpretation of that moment and archiving it for good. Creating a beautiful, stunning final print and giving lasting memories of people loved. These things put a smile on my face.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

I love the Country

So pure
Shared Joy
My childhood was tumultuous and difficult and I am truly a survivor of abuse and neglect. I remember isolated times when I was about 11 and 12 years old, being given time to wander and play alone in the country. The country was a completely peaceful place to me. So now as I visit new country with my own children, it is fulfilling to me to see their joy as they play with nature bursting all around them. Giving them the opportunity to explore and grow with all the small and large wonders that come in a natural setting. The country is a spiritual place for me and I feel closer to God. I am so blessed to be able to visit such a place as an adult with my children. I am grateful to my husband and his family for showing us and teaching us so many fantastic, wondrous things on the farm. 

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